Get Your Eulogy Written to Make the Most of Your Life

In her final days, Nicole said, "I know you'll throw me a fancy schmancy funeral, but I hate being the center of attention. Just get me in the ground…oh, and make sure everyone is well fed…maybe little tins of homemade granola as party favors?"


Many people never get around to thinking about their funeral or getting their eulogy written because, like Nicole, they like to live under the radar.


Social psychologist, Dr Cassie Holmes, writes about how the commemoration of other people and their eulogies remind us to make the most of our lives. Your eulogy will spell out the qualities you have valued thus far in your life and they will crystallise how you want to live in the time you have left.


+ Read the full article (link below) and the eulogy examples written by the students of Dr Holmes.

+ Start jotting down ideas for your own eulogy.

+ Get help for your eulogy to be written.


Cassie Holmes, ‘I’m a Psychologist & Here’s How Thinking About Death Can Help You Live a Better Life, mbghealth, 16 September 2024.

Image by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash.


A Eulogy That’s Going Viral


Eulogies that Celebrate Life