Frequently asked questions

  • We aim to get the first draft to you within a week but we will seek to be attentive to any time constraints you are under.

  • We will try and help but if we have other commitments we will let you know quickly. Just as you need to take time to fill in your responses to the questions to allow your memories to reveal important insights, so we need time to find the words that might capture and celebrate the person well.

  • Sure. We live in Melbourne, Australia but we are only an email away. We write in British English. You can tell us if there are any cultural matters that we should be aware of.

  • We will certainly aim to help if we can.

  • Giving a eulogy at the funeral of a family member or a close friend can be extremely stressful, even for the most seasoned public speakers. Depending on where the funeral will be held and if our diary is free, one of us may be able to deliver the eulogy and/or serve as celebrant for the entire funeral.

  • Around 10 minutes should be long enough to say what you want to say without sending people off to sleep. If you are asked to give a eulogy or tribute, it is important to find out exactly what is being requested, how many minutes you have to speak, whether there are other people who are being asked to give statements and, if so, who is covering which topic so there is no unnecessary overlap.