Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

A Eulogy That’s Going Viral

Dick Ruth’s viral statement, written and polished over 25 years, is an encouragement to write or get our own eulogy written. For our own sake. For our family and the inspiration of others.

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Eulogies that Celebrate Life

“It is important that families talk to their loved ones about their funeral wishes, songs, people they’d like to have participate in their funeral and what they want said and not said.”

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Creating Eulogies Using AI?

Artificial Intelligence is pretty good at creating a speech if you’re in a hurry but it doesn’t cut the mustard for a speech that is personal, accurate and specific.

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Eulogies that Tell Your Stories

I don’t mean where you grew up, got your first job etc. I mean what’s your STORY? What narrative have you constructed from the events of your life?

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Eulogies that Present Powerful Memories

“If you find yourself preparing a eulogy—if your grief will allow it—consider including the stories that mean the most to you. The power of those memories will tell more about the person who has passed away than all the biographical details …”

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Eulogies for the Living

“Why are eulogies only for dead people? Why do we wait so long to recognise each other’s gifts? Why are the truest compliments and the sincerest sentiments said about our loved ones when they can no longer hear and savour and bask in them?

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Who Tells Your Story?

As we exit the stage, our story will probably be told by family members and friends as they stitch together a eulogy by stringing a few memories together. Will they tell your story truthfully? Will they tell your story comprehensively? Will they tell your story effectively?

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Eulogy Tips from Barack Obama

In a statement penned on the day when Marian Lois Shields Robinson (Michelle Obama’s mother) had passed peacefully that morning, there are lots of helpful insights for the creating of eulogies from an expert writer and speechmaker.

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Eulogies that Address the Loved One

Speaking directly to the person gives a sense of immediacy because what is spoken is said in the present tense not the past tense. It also ratchets up the emotional intensity in these speeches…

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Eulogies that Make People Smile

That was the observation and the best commendation after my sisters and I had teamed up to share the eulogy for our mother-Olwyn: “Everybody came out of the funeral service with a smile on their faces.”

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

A Eulogy that Inspires and Influences Lives

…the writing of each eulogy helped her through her own grief. It clarified the best of who each person was, the difference their lives had made and how powerful can be the single influence of one life.

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Geoff Pound Geoff Pound

Reflecting on our Eulogy

In death, we wanted to bring her out into the light. We wanted to honour her overcoming of shyness, her feistiness and courage, her devoted care for those in need and her open hospitality.

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