Who Tells Your Story?

The American Musical, Hamilton, concludes by asking the audience:

Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?


This shouldn’t be a concern just for Presidents and Founding Fathers but for us all.


In the finale this question is also asked, “Will they tell your story?”


As we exit the stage, our story will probably be told by family members and friends as they stitch together a eulogy by stringing a few memories together. Will they tell your story truthfully? Will they tell your story comprehensively? Will they tell your story effectively?


We may not be as concerned about our legacy as Hamilton the man and Hamilton the musical but it’s a good thing to share in the telling of our story, not necessarily to control the narrative but so others learn from the one who has lived our unique story, about who shaped us, what motivated us and what and who we valued.


Geoff Pound


Image: Eliza and the cast of Hamilton the musical singing, ‘Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story?’


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